


Norræna merkið

Norræna merkið

Gísli B. Björnsson

  • Year : 1973
  • Height : 200 cm
  • Width : 185 cm
  • Category : Skúlptúr
  • Sub-category : Málmskúlptúr

Location: at Hringbraut Owned by The Nordic House and the Norden association. The image was originally designed by Gísli B. Björnsson’s advertising agency for the Icelandic Youth Association on the occasion of a Nordic Year of the Youth which was held in Iceland in 1966. The agency created a few proposals, based on the idea of interlacing many forms of the letter N, and in the end this image was chosen. A few years later, in 1973, the Nordic Association wanted to create a three-dimensional version of the image and it was installed near the Nordic House, where it still stands. The work was a gift from the Finnish-Norwegian Association to the Nordic House, which was designed by Finnish architect Alvar Aalto. The Nordic associations in Iceland and Finland have both used this as their logo.

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