


Tónar hafsins (stækkun)

Tónar hafsins (stækkun)

Ásmundur Sveinsson

  • Year : 1950
  • Height : 400 cm
  • Width : cm
  • Category : Skúlptúr
  • Sub-category : Steinskúlptúr

Location: Ásmundarsafn sculpture garden. Ásmundur made this sculpture in Reykjavík in 1950. It was originally made in plaster of Paris, later developed in wood. In 1968 Ásmundur enlarged the piece eight-fold. Head, hands and legs are identifiable. The body is made up of smooth, curved lines in a composition which maintains a fine equilibrium. The piece is an ode to the sea, the strings representing life in the deep – which is what makes life in Iceland possible. “I call it the Tones of the Sea,” said the artist in a conversation with Matthías Johannessen in Bókin um Ásmund. “I made her breasts like a boat... and the legs grow out of the wave, which develops into her thighs. It’s all waves. And the hand is holding the strings. The tones of the sea. But we can just as well say: The life of the nation on this island. It has never been more necessary to remind us of that than it is now. If we lose the sea, this place will become uninhabitable. All art should empower man in his battle, spur him on for the fight.”

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