Samhverft munstur Erró Year : 1950 Height : 36.6 cm Width : 36.9 cm Category : Teikning Sub-category : Gvassmynd Do you know more? Like My collection Samhverft munstur San Gimignano-turnarnir Other works by artist Erró So Good! My collection Erró Tvær hringekjur My collection Erró Án titils My collection Erró Hollywood Polo My collection Erró Sister of Toy My collection Erró Án titils My collection Erró Lómagnúpur My collection Erró Án titils My collection Erró Frumskógarfrúin My collection Erró Án titils My collection Erró Making the print My collection Erró The Blind Square My collection Erró Án titils My collection Erró Skissubók - blaðsíða 14 My collection Erró Án titils My collection