Bureau de propagande Fucky-Strike (Áróðursskrifstofa Fucky-Strike)
- Year : 1959
- Height : 145 cm
- Width : 406 cm
- Category : Málverk
- Sub-category : Lakkmálverk
This piece was unusual in its time for its size and composition, and because it was the first time Erró used mass-produced images. Furthermore it was unusual in that he splices together mechanical figures and material from magazines. By dividing the work into two planes which form a right angle, Erró plays with depth and reflection. The piece is based on personal experience: at the time Erró had a woman friend who smoked Lucky Strike, but he hated the smell of the smoke. His criticism, however, is directed more at consumerist society in general and its commercial propaganda which aims to transform individuals into “wanting machines” and encourages them to identify and imitate for, as the saying goes, “monkey see, monkey do.”
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