Flu covers the world / Heimsflensa Erró Year : 1958 Height : 35 cm Width : 25.4 cm Category : Samklipp Sub-category : Blönduð tækni Do you know more? Like My collection The Gulf War (They are speaking of Woody Allen) / Flóabardagi (Þeir eru að tala um Woody Allen) Flugvöllur Other works by artist Erró Konuandlit My collection Erró Marine Sea My collection Erró Skissubók bls.7 My collection Erró Erró - Art History, politics, Science Fiction My collection Erró Án titils My collection Erró Án titils My collection Erró Án titils My collection Erró Vangamynd af manni My collection Erró Mannlífsmynd My collection Erró Sander My collection Erró Án titils My collection Erró Skissubók bls.101 My collection Erró (Konur með fisk) My collection Erró Skissubók bls.24 My collection Erró Hönd My collection