Kraftur konunnar
Ásmundur Sveinsson
- Year : 1967
- Height : 185 cm
- Width : 185 cm
- Category : Skúlptúr
- Sub-category : Málmskúlptúr
Location: Hagatorg. This work was originally installed in the Ásmundarsafn sculpture garden in Sigtún. In October 2014, it was transferred to Hagatorg. It is located where the sculpture The Musician by Ólöf Pálsdóttir stood before it was installed outside Harpa Concert Hall in late summer 2014. Around the middle of the 1940s, Ásmundur started experimenting with abstract forms in his art, and over the next two decades he developed his abstract sculptures. He created them from iron and steel, welding together metals and other items which he collected and used unchanged or with minimal changes. Woman’s Force is typical for the abstract work which Ásmundur did during this period.
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