




Hildur Hákonardóttir

  • Year : 1981-82
  • Height : 202 cm
  • Width : 94 cm
  • Category : Textíll
  • Sub-category : Vefnaður

This is Hildur's largest work of art, made up of twelve woven tapestries - one for each month of the year. The artist has written the following about the work: Heaven and earth meet. The work begins at the spring equinox. Every month for a year I wove a tapestry that depicts the meeting-point of heaven and earth, the constantly-changing colours of variations in weather, light conditions and seasons. In March green and brown glint from yellowed wintry grass. In April the land has turned green, but the vegetation is at risk from a spring storm. In May the verdant grass merges with the blue of the sky. In June the flowers are in bloom. In July the strokes of the scythe have left their traces. In August the pale grassroots are visible. In September the colours of autumn glow. In October comes the first snowfall. In November the land is covered with frozen water. In December the midwinter sun lies on the horizon. In January snow colours the heaven and the earth white. In February the snow begins to thaw, revealing bare earth. The cycle of seasons recommences. In the 1980s the work was purchased for Hotel Saga in Reykjavík, where it was on display for many years. When the hotel building underwent major renovations in the early 2000s, February and November appear to have been lost.

My collection 

Other works by artist