


Jón Sigurðsson

Jón Sigurðsson

Einar Jónsson

  • Year : 1911
  • Height : 280 cm
  • Width : 100 cm
  • Category : Skúlptúr
  • Sub-category : Málmskúlptúr

Location: Austurvöllur. Owned by the Icelandic state. The statue of Jón Sigurðsson stands in the centre of Austurvöllur, it was transferred here in 1931. The independence hero, Jón Sigurðsson, stands tall and looks at the Parliament Building. Originally, the statue stood in front of the Cabinet Building in Lækjargata (unveiled on 10 April, 1911, by Minister Kristján Jónsson). It later replaced the sculpture of Bertel Thorvaldsen at Austurvöllur, which was moved to Hljómskálagarður Park. Einar didn’t like the statue being mounted on this high pillar, he felt it was leaning backwards. It fell to Einar to create statues of people who were thought to be pioneers in the country’s history, during the first decades of the 20th century, and this task should be viewed as a testimony of the prevailing nationalistic discourse of that time. The statue of Jón Sigurðsson is one of the most obvious examples of such a monument.

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